London Homeowners: Guide to Emergency Window Replacement
London Homeowners: Guide to Emergency Window Replacement

London Homeowners: Guide to Emergency Window Replacement

11 May 2024

Among the major challenges faced by homeowners is the installation of new windows and changing outdated ones for modern houses. Windows can improve overall aesthetics of your home and act as a vital component of the function and overall well-being of your valuable property. As windows are very important for the comfort, energy efficiency, look and value of your home, it is among the common home remodelling projects for window replacement.

Regretfully, a window replacement project might seem quite frustrating for homeowners due to the quantity of types, brands, features and styles. It is usually combined with the increased costs of window installation and replacement. It is advisable to speak with a glazing expert who can help you to know about the need for replacing old windows and installing new ones for your property’s value.

When it is the right time for emergency window replacement

Though there are clear signs of cracked or broken glass or destroyed frame, you will understand when it is the right time for window replacement. But are you aware about subtle signs which denote it is already time for the new ones? Here are some common problems homeowners find when they need to install new windows.

  • Higher Energy Costs: You may expect little variation with energy bill due to season change and other factors in due course. But when the cost increases, it is an indication your windows are not performing well.
  • Drafts: When the air passes through a closed window, it is a sign there has been a draft. It denotes a crack in either the framing or the window glass. Despite this, a draft means a replacement is needed in the near future.
  • Missing Paint: The paint will fade in due course. But when the paint is peeling and surrounding the window’s exterior, it is a sign of condensation, possible mold or rot trapped within the frame. You will know whether window replacement is needed with a test. Push a hard object like pen or pencil into the frame. If the object sinks in, it is already time to replace the window.
  • Difficulty Operating the Window: The window opens or closes easily and when it gets difficult, window replacement may be needed. The difficulty may occur due to busted hinges, warped frame that impairs its ability to function properly.
  • Several Repairs: You might have a long history with the windows that includes one or more repair jobs. But emergency window repairs in London can only go far for longer and sometimes, installing a new window is the best option. When emergency window repairs in London do not keep the windows function properly, then you should focus on window replacement.

Different designs and styles for the windows

Windows should have proper function to let in air enter into the house. But this does not mean aesthetics and style do not come into play. Whether it is about keeping the house in good condition for sale or reflecting your personality, the design of window replacement matters a lot.

Below is a quick guide to some of the popular window style options available.


  • Double Hung: These windows are popular for their functionality and practicality.
  • Picture: This window style is not meant to open rather, is designed to frame the outside view in the form of picture. If you get high ceilings or amazing, this may be the style for you.
  • Hopper: This is one of the variations of casement window. The version has been noted for placing a horizontal way together with opening inwards from the top of window.
  • Casement: Casement windows are a popular window style and are perfect choice for different settings within the home. Similar to hopper style, casement windows open from side-to-side and open inwards or out and away.
  • Awning: Awnings are quite similar to these hopper windows though the main difference is their ability to open outwards. This is the perfect choice for those who want more spacious feel to their home or lack space inside for inside movement of window sash.
  • Bay/Bow: These types of windows are popular for their beauty and style. The bay option comprises of three large windows which protrude in the shape of a half-hexagonal. The bow option consists of more windows, which can be four or five panels separately and extends outward in a rounded curve.
  • Storm: If extreme changes in weather or heavy storms happen where you stay, consider a storm window. These are engineered with insulation power and additional barriers to promote weather protection and better insulation.
  • Egress: The window is designed with the latest style by keeping safety in mind. It is unique in design and pleasing to the eye while serving as an access point during emergency.
  • Sliding: These are available in two different versions. There is two-panel option or three-panel option and the focus of this style is ventilation. If you have a wider window frame, then three-panel option is the right choice.
  • Energy Efficient Windows: If high-energy bills worry you or you want to go green, then you will choose energy efficient windows. Better insulation is the ultimate key to managing the amount of energy you want to use in your home.


  • Double: This is the common type of window pane being sold. Double pane is necessary to keep window in place. The seal between the two window sheets can help to prevent energy loss.
  • Triple: This option is popular in the recent years with architectural advancements and construction. The cost has reduced considerably and offers additional insulation that exceeds double pane.
  • Quadruple: Quadruple pane windows are the suitable choice for efficiency, strength, and maximum-power insulation. But the cost is more and will need reinforcement for additional weight.


  • Aluminium: This option is for the ones who are looking for durability and longevity from the window frames. Aluminium is a popular choice in architecture, making it an accessible option.
  • Fiberglass: It is meant for homeowners who value durability and low maintenance above everything else. As improvements are being made, their use gets more widespread and the popularity will rise accordingly.
  • Vinyl: It is made of PVC and vinyl frame is durable and the most affordable frame available these days. Vinyl frames are exceptional due to higher value, no-fade colour and extreme durability that will not have to be repainted.
  • Wood: Wood frames are being used for many years for home construction. They are the traditional choice for homeowners that do not mind considerable maintenance required of wood. This will be in exchange for beauty, durability, and efficiency.

Cost of emergency window replacement

Cost is very important at the time of home remodelling. The main objective is to reach a point where the quality of work is not compromised and the price is reasonable. Before this may happen, you need to be aware what can make up the baseline. Below are some factors that will lead to lower or higher costs of window products.

  • Window style: Though there are several options available, every single of them has its own price. The style you may choose will make up huge part of your initial cost.
  • Window frames: All the materials include a cost and they seem to be all different. Some material options are not available while others will naturally cost more. Make sure you select the right frame that matches your chosen style.
  • Number of windows: If you are replacing just six windows when someone else is replacing twelve, you will have to pay less money. Some companies have an attractive deal when purchasing a certain amount of replacement windows for your project. Make sure you shop around for good deals and compare between each of them.
  • Additional Features: You should upgrade to energy efficient or windows with triple pane which means the baseline price will increase. Similarly, any other upgrade options will influence the ultimate cost.
  • Labour Costs: This is higher variable category. Some projects are completed within two days while others may take four days. You need to work with window contractors to find out how much time you will need exactly. Insist on the cost estimation and make a comparison of the rates between different companies for getting the best results.

What are some benefits with emergency window replacement?

The benefit of replacement windows lies in the ability to keep your home function properly. Thanks to the recent improvements in the window industry as there are several benefits of new windows in your home. Here are a few ways that replacing deteriorating windows can help t improve overall value of your home.

  • Improved Energy Efficiency
  • Enhanced Aesthetics
  • Better UV Protection
  • Increased Home Value
  • Noise Reduction
  • Low Maintenance

Installation of windows for any season

Everyone likes the idea of a perfect weather at the time of window installation. While you should always consider nice weather during replacement, sometimes windows require replacing even when the season is not suitable. It is when the glaziers can help in getting the work done successfully. Below are some tips for managing the project, despite the season.


The weather will be great during this season for home improvement projects such as window replacement. Daylight hours are longer while the temperatures are mild. But spring is a popular season for home renovations and you may have to schedule much ahead of time. Besides, storm and rain can be a factor based on the climate where you stay.


Summer is the most popular time of the year for window replacement. Like spring season, you will have to schedule the project in advance. Try for mid to late July if it is possible. That time of summer is vacation time for the families before school starts back up. So, it is convenient to schedule an appointment with a reputed company. Besides, some days may be hotter than normal, and it can create a miserable experience. Stay prepared for that!


The fall season is the rush season in home improvement. It is the last season available before winter comes. The key to this season is to inspect windows at an early stage in the fall so that you can beat the rush when you require replacing windows. You will be tempted to hold on till spring season comes around again. Try to proceed ahead with the plans than waiting for a longer time to enjoy the benefits of better windows during the colder months.


This season is generally reserved when you need to replace the windows. Winter is cold, icy, having short daylight hours, and is the unpleasant time of the year to work outside. Luckily, there are some positive points you need to consider for a winter installation.

Window contractors seem to be less busy and you will possibly enjoy more flexible scheduling option at the time of scheduling an appointment. Homeowners seem to struggle in the busiest seasons. The contractors are also aware that the cold weather makes installation difficult. There are special tricks to mitigate the concern so that quality does not suffer. If the windows require replacement, it is best that you need not wait longer. The longer the project is on hold, the more expensive it will be to fix properly.

If the windows are outdated, chances are you need to get them replaced. The professionals will know your need for style and function at the time of installing new windows. At Emergency Glaziers London, we can help you with unmatched service for your affordability to deliver the perfect windows.


With us, you will get benefitted from:

  • Proven Expertise
  • Top Products
  • Affordable Pricing

If you are interested in getting more information about our window replacement services, contact our glazing experts who would love to speak with you. We will also help you with the new window installation so that you can enjoy complete functionality of windows.